General terms and definitions

Get the basic information

There is no age limit to join the scheme. A child of 1 year and an adult of 80 years can join the scheme.

Yes, Your host hospital will provide you with a list of what is covered and what is not covered. 

All the hospital partners we work with generally cover acute and emergency conditions. At the moment, chronic illnesses are not covered.

Unfortunately, you can only join the health cooperative as a group. Health cooperatives operate on a principle of risk sharing. The risk is spread across the group which must be a minimum of 20 members.

Many of the health cooperatives we work with offer free medical checkup for members of the scheme. 

NB: Please confirm with your scheme about the scope of the medical checkup

School going children have different price lists from adults. 

NB: Please confirm with your scheme about the detailed pricing for school going children.

Every member of the family has an individual card. You must use your card when you go to the hospital. Please note: Members who try to access healthcare using cards for their colleagues/family members will be penalized as this is fraud: impersonification.

 Their cards are confiscated for that year of payment.

No. You will not be refunded. Health cooperatives operate on a principle of “Ubuntu”. If you don’t fall sick, thank God! Your neighbors who got sick use the pooled fund. If you get unlucky and get sick later, you also benefit from the pool. 

Health cooperatives are involved in health promotion activities. You will benefit from health education activities being carried out in the health cooperative. 

Joining as a group offers immense benefits: 

  1. Members help each other to make sure that no one is left behind. 
  2. The drop out rate is lower with groups compared to individuals.
  3. The risk is spread in the group so, the pool is bigger.

We strongly encourage you to join with a minimum of 20 members. Encourage your group members to pay for their family members so that you can raise the numbers. 

At the moment, you can access healthcare from your host facility ( your cooperative scheme of registration). However, we are working on the technology to enable members access healthcare from a network of hospitals. Keep following us on our website and social media channels for announcement when this is made active.

At the moment, referrals are not covered.

The hospitals we work with are district hospitals with most of the services, so, referrals are rare. 

Later on, we hope to open up referrals in the network of hospitals that we work with.Keep following us to get that update. 

Unfortunately, No.  Scheme payments expire at the end of the year paid for. You need to renew your subscription for you to access the service.

Unfortunately not. You pay for one year at a time.

This is to allow for any updates in the service provision/pricing that is usually agreed in your cooperatives Annual General meeting. 

Yes and No. For the first year of enrollment, you need to pay for a year in advance. So, monthly payments won’t be accepted. However, for the preceding year, you can pay in monthly installments. You can begin saving in weekly or monthly installments so that your premium is fully paid up by the next payment year. 

NB: Contact your scheme coordinator for further specific guidance on this.

No, a NIN is not a requirement to register for the service. However, if you have a NIN, we would like to capture it as we hope to integrate with the National database in future.

Majority of the acute diseases are covered by the scheme.

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